
毎年恒例となりつつある、MIFA国際交流フェスティバルに今年も参加します〜 年末年始の練習の成果を披露できるや否や?




日時:2月20日(土) 11:30-16:00、21日(日) 10:00-16:00

(目黒区八雲1-1-1 東急東横線 都立大学駅より徒歩7分

内容:世界の料理物産展示販売、世界の歌・音楽・踊り・武道・*民族衣装ファッションショー、*国際交流カラオケ、*きもの着付け(外国人のみ)、スタンプラリー、サンバを踊ろう、世界の遊び・文字・茶文化、箸の使い方 2/20のみ:千代紙クラフト、折紙、*いけばな  2/21のみ:墨絵、書道、琴 (* 要事前申込)

参加予定国・地域 (1/15現在):
アルジェリア オーストラリア アゼルバイジャン バングラデシュ ベナン ブータン ブラジル カンボジア カメルーン 中国 コンゴ ジブチ エジプト フィジー ギニア インド インドネシア イラン 日本 ヨルダン リトアニア ケニア 韓国 キルギス ラオス モーリタニア モンゴル ミャンマー ネパール ニュージーランド パキスタン ペルー ポーランド ロシア シンガポール スリランカ 台湾 タンザニア タイ チュニジア トルコ 英国 米国 ベトナム ウズベキスタン(計45)


主催・問合: 目黒区国際交流協会(MIFA)
TEL: 03-3715-4671 FAX: 03-3715-4672  E-mail: info@mifa.jp

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The 5th MIFA International Exchange Festival "Let's have some fun--Talk, Eat, and Play!"

This is an experience&friendship-oriented event where people from around the glove will sing songs, dance, play music together. This festival is full of programs where everyone can enjoy International understanding and interactions. Your visit will be highly appreciated.

※Support volunteers are wanted. Inform MIFA if you are interested.
※Volunteers who could give a mini samba lesson for beginners and/or beat percussions to samba music are wanted. Inform MIFA if you are interested.
※We are looking for traditional clothes that volunteers could wear during the festival to advertise the event. Inform MIFA if you are
※The latest&detailed information is available at MIFA website as follows.

Time:Feb.20(Sat.) 11:30-16:00; Feb 21(Sun.) 10:00-16:00

Place:Main&Small Hall at Negro Persimmon Hall and Kumin Campus Park
(1-1-1, Yakumo, Meguro-ku; 7 min. walk from Toritsudaigaku Station)
☆Please use public transportation as the parking area is limited.

Content:Display/Sale of food/products, songs, music, dance, martial arts of the world, *Tractional Clothes Fashion Show, *Int'l Karaoke, * Try-on Kimono(int'l residents only), Stamp Rally, Let's dance Samba, Playing of the World, Let's Get Familiar with Writing of Languages, Tea Culture of the World, Let's Learn How to Use Chopsticks; Feb.20 only:Crafts Using Chiyogami Using Craft, Origami, *Ikenabna; Feb.21 only:Sumie, Calligraphy, and Let's Play Koto (Japanese harp) (* require application in advance)

Participating countries/areas (As of Jan.15):
Algeria, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, D.R.Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Fiji, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Lithuania, Kenya, South Korea, Kyrgyz, Laos, Mauritania, Mongol, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thai, Tunisia, Turkey, U.K. U.S.A. Vietnam, Uzbekistan(45 in total)

Admission free: (Some programs require fee)

Organized by/Inquiries: Meguro International Friendship Association(MIFA)
TEL: 03-3715-4671 FAX: 03-3715-4672  E-mail: info@mifa.jp

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Access to Meguro Persimmon Hall

Please get off at Toritsudaigaku Station. Only local train stops at this station. The station has only one exit. When you get out of the
exit, take your left turn. You will soon come across a cross section.
On your right forward, you can see "Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Bank." Seeing the bank on your right, please cross the street straight.
Then walk a mild hilly road forward. Before long, you will see a building beyond turf on your left. This is the "Meguro Persimmon
Hall." Please walk on a winding pathway that goes through the turf to the buildings. When you enter the building, please find the
entrance of Large Hall on your right, and that of Small Hall down the stairs.